====== Vim ====== ---- ===== enter text at end of multiple lines ===== - '''' - Enter Visual Block mode - Use ''j''/''k'' to select the lines - ''$'' - Move cursor to last character - ''A'' - Enter insert mode after last character - Insert desired text - '''' Exit insert mode and finish block append ---- ===== Hotkeys ===== * ''x'' - delete under cursor * ''viB'' - select curly brace block * ''vib'' - select paren block * ''%%vi'%%'' - select text within single quote * ''vi"'' - select text within double quote * ''vit''/''cit'' - Select text between html brackets / c = and insert * ''c'' - delete selected and go to insert mode * ''ggVG'' - select entire file * ''cW'' - delete from cursor to end of word * ''r'' - replace under cursor with '''' * ''f'' - go forward to next instance of '''' in line '';'' to repeat * ''F'' - go backward to previous instance of '''' in line '';'' to repeat ---- ===== Search ===== ''$'' needs escaped to be ''\$'' as ''$'' represents end of line ----