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development:mac:start [2021/01/19 09:59]
development:mac:start [2021/12/02 12:10] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Mac ====== ====== Mac ======
   * [[.: SOCKS Proxy ]]   * [[.: SOCKS Proxy ]]
 +  * [[.: Creating .apps for scripts ]]
 +  * [[.: Replacing App Icons ]]
 ---- ----
 ===== Hotkeys ===== ===== Hotkeys =====
-==== screenshots ====+**screenshots**
   * <kbd>control+&#8984;+shift+4</kbd> cross hair screenshot selection auto copy to clipboard   * <kbd>control+&#8984;+shift+4</kbd> cross hair screenshot selection auto copy to clipboard
   * <kbd>&#8984;</kbd> + <kbd>shift</kbd> + <kbd>5</kbd> Selection screenshot   * <kbd>&#8984;</kbd> + <kbd>shift</kbd> + <kbd>5</kbd> Selection screenshot
-==== window management ====+**window management**
   * <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>&uarr;</kbd> opens desktop overview   * <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>&uarr;</kbd> opens desktop overview
   * <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>1 &rarr; 0</kbd> switch to desktop number n   * <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>1 &rarr; 0</kbd> switch to desktop number n
 +===== Installing non-trusted Software =====
 +''xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Pixelorama\ 2.app/''
 ---- ----
Line 19: Line 25:
 ''brew install ranger'' -> non GUI, saves to ''/usr/local/Cellar'' \\ ''brew install ranger'' -> non GUI, saves to ''/usr/local/Cellar'' \\
 ''brew cask install atom'' -> GUI saves to ''/usr/local/Caskroom'' ''brew cask install atom'' -> GUI saves to ''/usr/local/Caskroom''
 +<code bash>
 +# list installed packages
 +brew list # also: brew list --cask
 +# install / uninstall
 +brew install --cask seaglass
 +brew uninstall --cask seaglass
 +# cleanup unused dependancies
 +brew autoremove
 ---- ----
 ===== Apache ===== ===== Apache =====
 +Config located at : ''/etc/apache2/extra''
 <code bash> <code bash>
 sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -k start sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -k start
 </code> </code>