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development:linux:start [2020/12/28 14:31]
development:linux:start [2023/04/07 12:24] (current)
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 ====== Linux ====== ====== Linux ======
   * [[. ACL_access_control_list | ACL - Access Control List]]   * [[. ACL_access_control_list | ACL - Access Control List]]
 +  * [[ .applications | Applications ]]
   * [[. certificates | Certificates]]   * [[. certificates | Certificates]]
   * [[ .desktop_files | .desktop files ]]   * [[ .desktop_files | .desktop files ]]
 +  * [[ .fedora | Fedora ]]
   * [[. fish | Fish]]   * [[. fish | Fish]]
   * [[. file_management | File Management - rsync, mv, cp etc]]   * [[. file_management | File Management - rsync, mv, cp etc]]
-  * [[. misc_commands Misc Commands ]]+  * [[. gnome GNOME ]]
   * [[. matrix_riot | Matrix + Riot]]   * [[. matrix_riot | Matrix + Riot]]
 +  * [[. misc_commands | Misc Commands ]]
 +  * [[. mounting_drives | Mounting Drives ]]
   * [[. samba | Samba ]]   * [[. samba | Samba ]]
 +  * [[. screen | Screen ]]
   * [[. selinux | SELinux ]]   * [[. selinux | SELinux ]]
   * [[. settings_tweaks | Settings Tweaks ]]   * [[. settings_tweaks | Settings Tweaks ]]