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development:linux:settings_tweaks:super_arrow_as_home_end [2020/05/29 11:52]
development:linux:settings_tweaks:super_arrow_as_home_end [2020/09/09 10:24] (current)
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 ====== Super + Arrow as Home/End ====== ====== Super + Arrow as Home/End ======
-You can't do it with just a setkxbmap option, as no default option does what you want. +===== TODO FIX THIS TO USE FN + ARROW METHOD ===== 
- +---- 
-But you can do it by defining key behaviour at a lower level.+//%%https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/65434/map-superleftright-to-home-end%%//
 The page http://madduck.net/docs/extending-xkb/ helped me to understand and find a way to do it. The page http://madduck.net/docs/extending-xkb/ helped me to understand and find a way to do it.