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development:linux:fish [2020/02/27 14:34]
kalenpw created
development:linux:fish [2021/06/29 15:06] (current)
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 ====== Fish ====== ====== Fish ======
 +I can't remember why now, but at some point I tried fish and zsh on Mac and found fish works better there. 
 +===== Aliases =====
 +Aliases are created by simply creating a file in ''~/.config/fish/functins''
 +Example **mkcd**
 +<code fish>
 +function mkcd
 +    mkdir -p $argv
 +    and cd $argv
 +or you can use more typical alias syntax
 +alias p3="python3"
 +funcsave p3
 ---- ----
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 </code> </code>
 ===== OMF Themes ===== ===== OMF Themes =====
 <code bash> <code bash>
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 omf theme robbyrussell omf theme robbyrussell
 </code> </code>