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development:javascript:start [2020/10/19 19:19]
development:javascript:start [2021/07/07 09:36] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== JavaScript ====== ====== JavaScript ======
-  * [[ . nodejs NodeJS ]]+  * [[ . asynchronous Asynchronous ]]
   * [[ . looping | Looping ]]   * [[ . looping | Looping ]]
   * [[ . mutating data | Mutating Data ]]   * [[ . mutating data | Mutating Data ]]
 +  * [[ . nodejs | NodeJS ]]
   * [[ . react | React ]]   * [[ . react | React ]]
- +  * [[ . vue | Vue ]]
----- +
-===== Install nodejs ===== +
-<code bash> +
-# via package manager, will install outdated version +
-sudo apt install node-js +
-# install n globally +
-sudo npm install n -g +
-# update to stable node version +
-sudo n stable +