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development:database:start [2020/10/18 16:23]
development:database:start [2021/07/06 09:52] (current)
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 ====== Database ====== ====== Database ======
-These are all for MySQL+  * [[ mongodb | MongoDB]] 
 +  * [[ mysql | MySQL ]] 
 +  * [[postgresql | Postgres ]]
-===== Cleaner Terminal Output ===== 
-MySQL can have quite messy output when running queries from the ''mysql'' cli. You can terminate a statement with ''\G'' instead of '';'' to format as a list instead of table. 
-<code mysql> 
-SELECT * FROM users\G 
-Alternatively, you can set the pager to ''less'' which retains the table format and can be scrolled with arrowkeys. 
-<code mysql> 
-pager less -SFX 
-SELECT * FROM users; 
-nopager; -- to turn off 
-===== Create User ===== 
-<code mysql> 
-CREATE USER 'kalenpw'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'p@ssword'; 
-===== Grant permissions ===== 
-replace ''*.*'' with ''schema.table'' if needed 
-<code mysql> 
-GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'username'@'localhost'; 
-===== Basic syntax ===== 
-==== update ==== 
-<code mysql> 
-UPDATE employees SET email = 'user@domain.com' WHERE id = 123; 
-===== Many to Many Relationship Joins ===== 
-<code mysql> 
-  a.* 
-  map_ads_categories m 
-  JOIN ads a ON (m.ad_id = a.id) 
-  m.category_id = 28; 
-<code mysql> 
-  * 
-  map_ads_categories m 
-  JOIN ads a ON (m.ad_id = a.id) 
-  JOIN categories c ON (m.category_id = c.id) 
-  c.id = 28; 