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chess:games:2021-02-21_sergiovaca [2021/02/22 11:32]
kalenpw created
chess:games:2021-02-21_sergiovaca [2021/02/22 11:36] (current)
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-====== 2021-02-21_sergiovaca ======+====== 2021-02-21 sergiovaca ======
-Played: white+**Played:** white \\ 
 +**Won:** black
-Wonblack+**Notes:** Pretty even game, lost after blundering a rook and then later blundering a knight. Had a missed mate opportunity if I had been more aggressive and also required sacrificing a rook
-Notes: Pretty even game, lost after blundering a rook and then later blundering a knight. Had a missed mate opportunity if I had been more aggressive and also required sacrificing a rook +**Moves:**
- +
 <pgn> <pgn>
 [Event "Rated Correspondence game"] [Event "Rated Correspondence game"]
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 </pgn> </pgn>
-Game link: https://lichess.org/fSSmQ6q2ddBX+**Game link:** https://lichess.org/fSSmQ6q2ddBX